Not only will you get access to monthly classes inside SeedSeller Academy when you join, but we’re also throwing in these exclusive bonuses!
Bonus 1
Farmer says: “I Can Save $80,000 by Buying Your Competitor’s Cheaper Seed”
Bonus 2
How to Create Smart Phone Videos to Prospect & Sell More!
In this exclusive bonus training, you learn step-by-step how to create your own videos and send them to prospects and customers. This game-changing strategy not only allows you to stay-in-touch with your customers on a regular basis, but also sets you apart from the competition when you’re prospecting for new business.
($297 value)
Bonus 3
6 Steps to Getting Back on the Farm When Product Lets You Down
Do you struggle with how to get back on the farm when your product gets beat? Do you fear those dreaded trouble calls from farmers with product complaints? This exclusive bonus gives you a six-step framework for finding clarity so you won’t lose that customer and get back on the farm the following year
($397 value)
Bonus 4
12 Reasons Why You Never Split a Planter!
Many growers think by splitting their planters they can learn so much—almost like having their very own research plot. But nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of learning more about each variety, growers actually continue to distort the facts. In this bonus you will learn 12 Reasons Why You Never Split a Planter!
($97 value)